The Teacher Project

The shoot was inspired by a shot I saw on Instagram as I was strolling through my feed. I liked the idea and felt I could add my own spin to it. I was hoping to make a little income from this concept with other photographers looking to rent my space for this idea. Spoiler alert, No one was interested.

Finding Props

I found the props on Facebook marketplace, and were all local people. I misses calculated both the chalkboard and the desk. The chalkboard was really big and barely fit in my car. I had to drive an hour to my studio with my seat pulled all the way forward with my knees touching the dashboard. You know, I was glad to make it to the studio with a chalkboard ‘Oh my knee, haha.

When I went to pick up the desk. The lady said the desk was on the porch and I remembered thinking, I don’t see it and ask is it on your back porch? She replied, no, right here on the front porch. From the photos, I assume it was a teacher’s desk. But it turns out to be a kid's desk. So, realizing it was a fault on my behalf, I paid for the desk and took it to the studio.

The shoot

I asked four models and all four models were interested. So, I shot with all three models. Really, the Teacher concept wasn’t the main theme of our shoot. But was an added look to our shoot.

The first model was Mire, but the chalkboard was not mounted on the wall. So we propped it up on the floor. To be honest, I really don’t like how the images turn out. It was not what I envisioned.

Cyn-Ean was excellent, and I love how the images look. But I didn’t like how I lighted the shoot. I was trying to make it look like night school, by having dramatic lighting. Don’t get me wrong. The images turned out amazing, even with my bad idea for lighting.

Tesheena, all I can say is OMG. Tesheena was the perfect model for this shoot and I was in love with the images. But I don’t think she was. One way I can see if a model loves the images is by seeing if they post them on social media. So, since she did not post one, I assume she wasn’t a fan of the images.

Victoria was the last model for this shoot and the best turnout. Because I had got some practice in and had a better understanding of how I wanted the images to look. But the credit was not all me. Victoria's selection for wardrobe was amazing and crazy sexy. Better than I imagine

The Magazine

The project can be its own magazine issue. But I feel it may be too sexy for it. But I guess we will have to wait and see how I feel when I come to release the images.

Cameras, Lighting, and Setting

Sony A7R3 with Sony 85MM prime

Sony A7R4 with Tamron 28-75MM

A7R3: F 5.6 S 1/160 ISO 320

A7R4: F 6.3. S 1/125 ISO 400


Godox AD 600 with Neewer 35in lantern softbox

Key Light: 1/2 power


Black-N-White Project with Aliana


The Color Red Project